
Ve společnosti Fast Buds Genetics spolupracujeme s týmem interních a nezávislých novinářů, abychom vám poskytli nejnovější informace, návody a postřehy z konopného průmyslu. Naši přispěvatelé mají rozsáhlé zkušenosti s psaním a žurnalistikou se zaměřením na konopí a na související obory. Autoři ve FastBuds se věnují tomu, aby společnost byla na špičce v oblasti vzdělávání a informací o konopí. Jejich profily si můžete prohlédnout níže.
Jorge Cervantes

A world-renowned publisher, writer and horticulturist.

Jorge Cervantes

Official website: Link
LinkedIn: @jorge-cervantes
Instagram: @jorgecervantesmj
Facebook: @JoCerv
Twitter: @JorgeCervantes
YouTube: @jorgecervantesmj

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Enzo Schillaci

Blog writer and content creator for Fast Buds.

Enzo Schillaci

LinkedIn: @enzo-schillaci
Instagram: @enzo_schillaci
Facebook: @enzo.schillaci
Twitter: @enzo.schill41077

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Michael Matthews, M.D.

A real legend in the world of cannabis education and advocacy.

Michael Matthews

Linkedin: Michael Matthews
Medium: Link
Pinterest: Link
Twitter: @MDMatthews89

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James Reynolds

A seasoned cultivator who is truly a legend in the world of cannabis cultivation

James Reynolds

 Cannabis Cultivation Institute of California

Medium: Link
Pinterest: Link
YouTube: @MrJamesReynolds
Twitter: @J_Reynolds70

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Luke Sumpter

A medical professional passionate about cannabis.

Luke Sumpter

As a Graduate in Health Sciences and a professional journalist, I write about everything in the intersection of marijuana and science.

LinkedIn: @luke-sumpter-35578ab7
Instagram: @lukeasumpter420
Twitter: @luke_a_sumpter

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Ryan Allan

Author of the "Legal" section of Fast Buds blog.

Ryan Allen

A Graduate in Political Science and a versatile British professional in writing and editing, with a particular focus on the ever-evolving cannabis and CBD industry.

LinkedIn: @ryan-allan12345
Portfolio: Link
Muck Rack: Link
Instagram: @ry_allan420
Twitter: @ry_allan420

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A.J. Herrington

An experienced author specialized on cannabis, hemp business and culture.

A.J. Herrington

A.S. from San Diego City College; Oaksterdam University graduate.

Instagram: @a.j.herrington
Facebook: A.J. Herrington
Twitter: @AJHerrington1

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Lindsey Bartlett

Author, journalist and poet.

Lindsey Bartlett

Bachelors in Liberal Arts from Colorado State University; Alumni of the Plant Biology Fellowship for Media at University of Vermont.

Official website: Link
LinkedIn: Lindsey Bartlett
Instagram: @lindse_y
Facebook: @lovelindsey21
Twitter: @lindseybartlett

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Zach Harris

A professional writer specialized on cannabis.

Zach Harris

Degree in Urban Studies from Temple University

Official website: MuckRack
LinkedIn: Zachary Harris
Instagram: @clomidee
Twitter: @PotCzach

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Netra Manjunath

Creative writer specialized on cannabis.

Netra Manjunath

LinkedIn: @netra-manjunath-023527a0
Quora: Netra's profile
Instagram: @netramanjunath420
Facebook: @netra.dixit
Twitter: @netramanjunath420

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Ellen Holland

A professional editor and writer

Ellen Holland

Degree in Literature from the University of California, Santa Cruz

Official website:
LinkedIn: Ellen Holland
Instagram: @hollandbuds
Twitter: @Hollandbuds

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