How To Grow Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors

30 November -0001
Find out all you need to know about growing autoflowering Cannabis outdoors, and all the important things to consider.
30 November -0001
46 min read
How To Grow Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors

Weiter lesen
  • 1. What should i consider before planting?
  • 1. a. Indoor vs outdoor
  • 1. b. Climate region and your location
  • 1. c. Mold and pests
  • 1. d. Protecting your plants outdoors
  • 1. e. Tips for beginners
  • 2. Optimal conditions
  • 2. a. Light cycle and best time to start
  • 2. b. Temperature
  • 2. c. Humidity
  • 2. d. Spacing
  • 2. e. Best nutrients
  • 2. f. Genetics
  • 3. Step-by-step guide on growing autoflowering cannabis outdoors
  • 3. a. Step 1: germination
  • 3. b. Step 2: seedling
  • 3. c. Step 3: the vegetative stage
  • 3. d. Step 4: the flowering stage
  • 3. e. Stage 5: harvest
  • 4. In conclusion

If you reside in a location where growing weed is legal, you’re in luck. Not everyone can grow cannabis especially outdoors, but if you do get this opportunity use it! With a little knowledge, you can produce loads of buds. And, if you’re here to understand a bit more about how to grow autoflowering plants outside, read on and you’ll know everything there is to know.

Growing autos outdoors is easy because they don’t depend on light to flower. You can grow them almost all year round, by just providing good nutrients and protecting them from pests and rain. Remember that the yield will depend on the light cycle so it’s better to plan ahead.

1. What Should I Consider Before Planting?

Indoor vs outdoor

This is a huge question growers have before starting to grow their own weed because both of them have their pros and cons. To make this decision, you will have to have a couple of things in consideration: environment, smell and most important of all: cost.

Cost is the most important because you will need to spend quite a bit of money to buy a good light fixture, exhaust fan, filter and grow tent, even though it seems like a lot, this will allow you to control every aspect of the growing environment, will allow you to eliminate odor and be more discreet because unless you allow a person in, no one will be able to see your growing operation.




  • Complete control over the environment
  • Grow at any time of the year
  • Higher start-up cost
  • Bugs and pests can easily spread to plants around
  • The least expensive way to grow plants
  • Sunlight will allow the plant to its full potential
  • You can’t control the environment
  • Plants are exposed to bad weather, bugs, and pests

Pros and cons of growin cannabis Indoors vs outdoors.

When growing outdoors you won’t have to spend much other than with pots and nutrients, but you should remember that when growing outdoors you won’t be able to control the climate and you can suffer from extremely cold or hot climates and this will affect your plants growth. Another disadvantage is that your plants will be visible and the odor can be a problem if you live in a place where cannabis is not legal.

Climate region and your location

If you're starting to grow cannabis just now, you probably are wondering When to plant? Well, this will depend on the expected weather and all the things that come with it. There are 6 climate regions in the world, in each one of them the temperature, humidity, and sunlight vary so you should plan according to your environment.

Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: climate regions around the world

How to grow cannabis outdoors: plan according to your environment.

Tropical climates

The tropical climate can be found along the equator region, in cities like Brasília (Brazil), Miami (United States), and Biak (Indonesia), and is characterized by a high temperature and high humidity with an average temperature of 18°C all year long.

Subtropical climates

The subtropical climate is characterized by hot, humid summers and cool, mild winters and is usually located near the coasts like São Paulo (Brazil), Orlando (United States), and Hong Kong (China). This type of climate can be found in all the continents with a high average of 24-27°C and lows from 10-16°C with moderate humidity.

Cold climates (Subarctic and arctic climate)

Cold climates occur in cities like Anchorage (Alaska), Sumedang (Indonesia), and Moosonee (Canada), in these climate regions the humidity is fairly low, the climate is extremely harsh, with an average of -10°C in winter and not exceeding 26°C in summer.

Temperate climates

Temperate climates can be found in cities like Sydney (Australia), Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Atlanta (United States), it has moderate relative humidity, with an average low of 10°C during 6 months of the year and an average high of around 22°C.

Dry climates (arid and semi-arid climate)

Dry climates can be found in cities like Lampedusa (Italy), Reno (United States), and Jaipur (India), it is characterized by really low humidity, with extremely low temperatures at night, reaching -10°C and extremely cold hot during the day, around 45°C.

Depending on where you live, you will have to plan ahead, knowing the expected temperature, humidity, and amount of sunlight your plants will receive can make a huge difference in yield.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: your location

When choosing the best location for your autoflowering plants make sure they're facing the sunrise.

For example, California gets an average of 14:30hrs of sunlight in the summer1 and around 9:40hs in the winter, so you should plan your growing cycle according to where you live.

Mold and pests

When growing outdoors it can be fairly easy to get bugs and pests. 

Your plants are directly exposed to the environments so you should be careful with rain, high humidity, and temperature, the right combination of these elements can attract bugs or mold to your cannabis plants and because you can’t control the environment, it can be quite hard to deal with it.

Protecting your plants outdoors

Cannabis plants must be protected from harsh weather and predators, depending on where you're growing your plant can be attacked by bugs or even bigger animals like dogs, cats, or rodents this is why it's better to have a wire fence around them if needed. The fence needs to be underground and above ground around your plant and the roots, despite seeming too much it is essential because animals like gophers and moles live underground, they look for roots to feed on and can eat a whole plant overnight.

It's also a good idea to build a simple structure to help protect your plants from snow and rain, this structure can be built with wooden stakes and a plastic sheet and will ensure your plants don't freeze or get mold.

 Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: protect your plants with a gopher wire cage

When planting in the ground it's essential to protect your plants against gophers and moles with a wire cage.

There's no need to spend too much to protect your plants, a wire fence is fairly cheap and if you want to make a hoop-house it can be easily made with a plastic sheet and plastic tubes, if you want a sturdier one you can build a metal or wood but the structure will be basically the same.

Tips For Beginners

If you’ve never grown cannabis before, there are a couple of things you need to have in mind. Depending on the city you live in, you have to be sure your growing space is discreet, this means not only the plants shouldn’t be visible but also neighbors shouldn’t be able to smell the plants. This not only applies to the plants themself but also the light. Usually grow light fixtures are super bright and can be seen from far away if you don’t make sure there are no light leaks. Masking the smell outdoors can be a little bit tricky because you don’t have a way to eliminate the smell.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: guerilla growing cannabis

Cannabis blending in with the vegetation around.

You can guerilla grow on your balcony using lots of aromatic plants that will help to camouflage your cannabis plants, it’s not a guarantee that the smell won’t bother your neighbors. Even though you can train your plants, the best way to avoid this is to grow Indica dominant, they tend to grow shorter and compact, so you don’t need to train them (if you don’t want or know how to).

If you wish to grow a specific strain that grows tall, you should grow them in smaller pots or train them so they can’t be seen by people walking by or from other balconies. You can also build a structure similar to a hoop house around your plants, by covering them with a plastic sheet you can keep the rain off, reduce light like most outdoor growers do with the light deprivation technique, and have more stealth cannabis grow.

2. Optimal conditions

Light cycle and best time to start

It is important to understand the life cycle of an autoflowering Cannabis plant, and how they differ from normal photoperiodic cultivars. As the name suggests these strains will begin to flower automatically thanks to their Ruderalis heritage. Originally found in Siberia, the dwarf-sized, low potency Ruderalis had the ability to grow in a vegetative stage and then flower automatically independent of the light cycle. An incredible trait that autoflowering cannabis strains carry nowadays.



Light cycle


18/6 12/12


Hours of light


18 12


Hours of darkness


6 12




Allows plants to rest and develop good buds Easier to plan ahead, available almost all year long




Not available all year long Underdeveloped and aery buds

Pros and cons of light cycles for autoflowering cannabis strains.

Once you understand that it’s possible to plant automatics outdoors at any time of the year, you can begin to plan your growing cycles based on the temperature, humidity, and sunlight where you live, although you need to have in mind that outdoors, the light cycle depends on the season you’re in and can differ from one place to another, resulting in more or less plant growth and consequently better (or worse) yields.

The best time to start growing photoperiodic cannabis depends on the amount of light you get, but with autoflowers, things are different. Because they grow fast and don’t depend on light to start flowering, you can grow them outside whenever you want. Of course, the temperature may have an influence on the result but you most likely will have beautiful flowers after every harvest.


Due to the tough resilient nature that autoflowering Cannabis possesses, depending on the strain,  it is easily possible to harvest buds during the coldest time of the year with the shortest daylight hours, as well as during the hottest and longest days. It is this incredible ability to adapt to any climates from harsh and cold to lovely and hot that allow for any grower to achieve a harvest all year long.

Although there is an optimal environment that all plants prefer, even though autos can withstand harsher climates, the best temperature to grow auto cannabis plants is from 18-25 °C, with a 60% relative humidity and preferably 18 hours of light per day.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: optimal conditions for cannabis

The ideal conditions for a plant to develop to it's maximum are at least 18hs of light, 60% relative humidity and a temperature between 18-25°C.

Growing in summer

If you’re growing in hotter climates you will need to adjust watering and the amount of nutrients. This is because higher temperatures tend to accelerate the plant’s processes, so you will have to adjust feeding to your plant's necessities. Also, have in mind that in summer there is an increase in humidity levels so it is good to perform LST techniques to keep good airflow in between the buds and branches and avoid fungus or bugs.

Growing in winter

In colder climates plants tend to slow down their rate of growth, so you will usually use less nutrients. Also have in mind that in the winter the humidity levels are lower, so you’ll want to water sporadically so your plant has time to absorb the nutrients. Have in mind that if the temperature is below 4°C, water can freeze the roots, so it’s better to feed your plant when the temperatures are higher.


  • Some automatics can take very cold weather as well as intense heat.
  • It is possible to plant from early Spring until late winter with great results.
  • Autoflowering Cannabis is very resistant to mold, mildew, and wind. 
  • Avoid planting seeds if your garden is showing signs of frost.


The humidity levels are super important for a cannabis plant, if the humidity is too high or too low the plant will have a hard time “breathing”, so it’s crucial you know what humidity levels to expect for each stage of plant growth before cultivating. In the seedling stage, your plants will develop better in 60% relative humidity because baby plants don’t like a drier environment and actually need the extra moisture to develop properly in the first weeks of life.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: humidity levels for cannabis

Cannabis in the vegetative stage thrives in 60% relative humidity.

You have to gradually decrease the humidity from 60% down to 50% in the vegetative stage, this is because at this stage plants have already started photosynthesizing and need that relative humidity level to be able to do it properly. Once your plant has entered the pre-flowering stage, you will have to gradually decrease the humidity level to around 40-45%, the buds are full of water so this will prevent them from molding and will result in a healthier plant.


Because cannabis plants will grow and develop a lot of branches, it's necessary to leave space between them, if you don’t know how much space you should leave between the plants you need to think about the size they will have. For example, in 1m2 you can fit around 10 small plants, 6 medium plants, and 3 big plants or have around 30-45cm in between small plants, 50-60cm between medium plants, and 65-100cm between big plants, although autoflowering plants usually don't grow too much so if you leave around 40cm in between you should be fine.


How to Grow Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: Spacing 

Ideal space between cannabis plants outdoors.

By providing enough spacing between plants you prevent problems you may have further into the growth cycle, like the light not reaching deep enough, taller plants overshadowing the smaller ones, and other issues like the lack of airflow.

Best Nutrients

Depending on what you can find (or want to use) there are two options for feeding your plants: organic or synthetic nutrients, both of them will work just fine but each one has its pros and cons. Organic nutrients can be harder to use for new growers but can result in a better tasting, better smelling flowers and will be harder to burn your plants while synthetic nutrients are super easy to use, you just have to follow the instructions on the package and maybe adjust the dose with some plants, but it’s fairly easy, just have in mind that synthetic nutrients can burn your plants easily so you need to feed with care, paying attention to the signs your plant gives you.

Either way, as long as you provide an NPK ratio of 2-1-3 in the vegetative stage and 1-3-2 in the flowering stage, your plant will grow great.


A big issue when growing autoflowering strains is the genetics, even if you do everything perfectly you can still be disappointed with the quality and amount of flowers your plant produces, that is because you need good genetics to have a good harvest. Depending on where you live, a certain type of strain will have a better result than another.

If you live in a part of the world that has hotter weather, you are able to grow any type of autoflowering strain but it is recommended to grow Sativa-dominant hybrids. This way you’ll make the most out of every seed because Sativas usually grow taller and with more flowering sites, resulting in a bigger yield.

Orange Sherbet Auto
Orange Sherbet Auto
· Ungeheuerliche 26% THC.
· Perfekt für alle Grower.
· Sativa-dominanter Riese.
· Unglaublich widerstandsfähig.
· Ein Muss für Extraktoren.
· Hochwertige Terpene.
13,00 €
13,00 € / seed
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This more demanding and larger yielding variety will flourish under the constant sunny climate.

Automatics can really help a grower who experiences colder climates, you should grow Indica-dominant hybrids because their Indica heritage makes them more resistant to cold and a high level. 

Zkittlez Auto
Zkittlez Auto
· Süß.
· Überwältigend ergiebig.
· Indica-Genuss.
· Die beliebteste!.
· Gebadet in Trichomen.
13,00 €
13,00 € / seed
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She is very resistant and will be ready to chop, even after any heavy rain or cold spots.

3. Step-By-Step Guide On Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors

Growing autoflowering cannabis outdoors can be really simple, by following these steps which represent the timeline of a cannabis plant's growth you can successfully grow your own medicine.

Step 1: Germination

Before planting your seeds, you will need to germinate them, this is the first step to a successful harvest. There are a couple of ways to germinate seeds, you can germinate them directly in the soil, in paper towels, or submerge them in a glass of water.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: germinating seeds

Grab a glass cup, fill it half with water, place the glass in a very dark place, and soak seeds.

We recommend submerging them in water for around 12 hrs before planting or transferring them to paper towels. Remember the seed shell needs to be damp so it’s easier for the seedling to grow out of it.

You should also have in mind that leaving the seeds in water for too long will drown them, so you should keep them for a maximum of 24hrs if they’re too old, but 12hrs is all you need for good seeds.

How Deep To Plant Your Seed?

After germinating your seed, you’re gonna have to plant it in the medium. You should be extremely careful with this process because the radicle is super fragile. To avoid damaging it, you have to make a small hole with your finger up to the first line of your index finger or around 2-3cm with a pen. That is deep enough for your seedling to grow relatively fast, also make sure you don't press the soil on top, just throw a little bit of dirt so it’s not too compact and the seedling doesn’t struggle to come out.

Planting In Pots or The Ground?

Once you germinate your seeds, you will need to decide to grow in pots or directly into the ground. Sometimes it is more logistical to use pots because they can be moved around if you need to, however, if you want to spend less and can find a good spot for your plants, you can definitely plant them in your backyard, for example.

Be careful when planting in the ground, gophers and moles are hard to spot because they live underground and they can eat your plants, if you see holes in the ground you should avoid that place. These animals feed on the roots and fibers of the plant and will make your plant disappear overnight.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: mix tips for your medium

Different medium mixes when growing your autoflowers organically.

If you’re growing in pots you should go for a mix of mediums, such as coco coir, perlite, and soil. This will allow your plants to grow more easily, with more oxygenation in the roots, and will help drain the water when watering.


  • Pots can be moved around to follow the sun. 
  • Small plants can be easily camouflaged.
  • Planting in the ground (in fertile soil) saves you from having to buy soil and nutrients.
  • Organic nutrients are packed with beneficial microorganisms.

Step 2: Seedling

Around 10 days after your seeds have germinated and you placed them in your medium of choice, the seedling will start to emerge from the soil. If you want to make sure your seedlings are safe, you can keep them indoors and transfer them outdoors after you see the first true leaves.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: cannabis seedling

Newborn cannabis seedling.

Cannabis seedlings don’t need that much light so they can grow under a CFL light, remember that if you keep your plants under LED or light bulbs, they can get stressed when transferred outside, so you should transfer them as soon as you see the first pair of true leaves fully developed to avoid this. At this stage, the cotyledons have run out of nutrients so your plant will start to need sunlight and nutrients to develop properly.

Step 3: The vegetative stage

When your plant has developed the first pair of true leaves, it is officially in the vegetative stage and this is when you should start watering with nutrients, starting with a low dose and gradually increasing.

At this stage, you should give plants more nitrogen (N) and potassium (K), these are the macronutrients a plant needs to thrive, you should also decide on your location and which part of the garden or terrace receives the most sun.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: cannabis in the vegetative stage

Healthy cannabis plants in the vegetative stage.

Placing your plant in the direction where the sun rises is the best option, meaning that when the sun sets, the plants will receive the final amount of sunlight each day ensuring the most direct sunlight possible. To be 100% sure, you can easily look up on the internet in which direction the sun rises, for example, East in Manaus2 and Northeast in Sydney3

How often to feed?

The watering schedule will depend on the genetics and the environment, there's no way to say exactly how many times and how much water your plant needs. The best way is to water again when the soil is approximately 65% dry or by lifting the pot, if it's heavy then it probably still has water in it, if it's light it probably is dry and needs watering.

For How Long Plants Grow?

Depending on the strain you choose to cultivate, the amount of time it needs to completely mature may be different. Even though all autoflowering cannabis plants are hybrids, some of them have Sativa heritage and others Indica, so their size and how long they grow varies. For example, strains with Indica heritage can take around 8 weeks to mature whereas strains with Sativa heritage can take up to 11 weeks.

How Big Plants Get?

How tall a plant grows depends on their heritage. This is because Sativa’s usually stretch and grow less leaves than Indicas, which grow short and bushy.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: how big do autoflowers get?

Decide in advance based on your growing space what size works to your advantage.

So the size will depend on their genetics. For example, a Sativa dominant strain can grow up to 150cm while an Indica dominant hybrid will range from 80-100cm.

Plant training

When growing Cannabis outdoors, it is a good idea to plan ahead in terms of plant training. This will normally be done in the early stages and will benefit the plants greatly once flowering commences. Low stress training is a very simple technique that has many benefits and can be performed in different methods and several ways, the most known technique being the Tie-down method.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: Plant training

Different training techniques for cannabis plants.

Plant training techniques should be started when your autoflower has around 3-5 pairs of leaves and should be stopped right before the pre-flowering stage or when you have achieved the structure and size you were aiming for. In this timelapse video, our grower shows you a combination of high stress and low stress plant training methods, although you shouldn’t HST unless you have a bit of experience.


Plant training on our Girl Scout Cookies by our grower Green75.

As you can see, Green 75 spaced out the branches and cut off the excess foliage so the buds have more space and light to develop, this also encourages the plant to develop more bud sites, allows more airflow in the buds and the light to reach deeper, resulting in better developed and fatter buds.

When plant training autoflowers it is not always recommended to use high stress training techniques (HST) if you’re not experienced, this is why we recommend using low stress training (LST) techniques like the one shown above.

Step 4: The flowering stage

After a couple of weeks in the vegetative stage, your plant will start to show white hairs (pistils), this is a sign that your plant is ready to start producing flowers, at this stage you should start feeding flowering nutrients.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: cannabis plant in the flowering stage

Cannabis plant almost ready for harvest.

Your plant needs lower amounts of nitrogen (N) and higher amounts of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) to properly develop flowers, if you don’t provide phosphorus and potassium the buds will develop airy and light, it is crucial to feed your plant properly if you want fat dense buds.

How to make buds bigger?

There isn't an exact way to make the buds bigger, buds develop big and dense when they grow with a combination of a good environment and good nutrients, this is why you should plan your grow cycle a couple of weeks before germinating your seeds.

There can be huge differences in the quantity and quality of flowers between a plant grown in cold with fewer hours of sunlight and a plant grown in better conditions with more sunlight.

Supporting autoflowering cannabis outdoors

Cannabis plants outdoors usually don’t have a limit to stop growing and unless you limit their size by planting them in smaller pots, they can grow huge.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: cannabis plants outdoors

Cannabis plants outdoors growing healthy.

Despite huge plants not always being a bad thing, the buds will also grow big and dense, and sometimes the branches won’t be strong enough to hold them and snap, this is why you need to add support. There are several ways to provide support to your plants, you can do this with bamboo stakes, a trellis net, or tomato wire cages.

When do plants start to smell?

Autoflowers usually start smelling around week 4-6, when they’re in the pre-flowering stage, this happens because when your plant starts developing flowers it will also produce trichomes which contain terpenes and are responsible for the smell.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: cannabis plant flowering outdoors

Cannabis plant starting to flower.

This is when you should install your carbon filter or any other method to eliminate the typical cannabis smell, remember this is just a guideline and some cannabis plants can start to smell as early as the 3 week of plant growth.

How much plants yield?

How much plant yields will depend on the genetics, although despite the size, Indicas can yield more than Sativas or vice-versa. Usually, the amount they yield will depend on the growing conditions, you can harvest up to 200g from a single plant or as low as 40g. It solely depends on how you take care of your plants and their genetic characteristics like the density of the buds and the amount of bud sites.

Bamboo stakes

Bamboo stakes are the most common way to support branches because they’re cheap and effective although they cannot be used for long because they are exposed to rain so they can rot and spread powdery mildew to your plants.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: supporting plants with stakes

Crystal Meth Auto by our grower Centerwook from Grow Diaries.

Trellis net

A trellis net can be used not only to support the buds but also to control the size of your plants, although it’s a bit harder because you will need to build the structure (metal or bamboo stakes around the plant) to secure the net too.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: supporting plants with a trellis net

Depending on how you use a trellis net it can provide support and also control the height of your plants.

A trellis net can be used both horizontally on top of your plants (like in Scrog) or vertically around the plants (like a tomato cage), both ways will work great and it’s just a matter of preference, if you want to control height you can place it on top but if you don’t need to, just place it around to support the branches.

Tomato Wire Cages

Tomato wire cages work the same as placing a trellis net around your plants, they will support the branches from every side but won’t control the height.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: supporting plants with tomato wire cages

Tomato Wire Cage Training Method.

Tomato cages can also be used as a structure to tie-down the branches to and are fairly cheap, although you will have to cut it open to remove your plants so they aren’t reusable.

Stage 5: Harvest

When to harvest?

The best time to harvest your cannabis plants depend on the type of effect you wish to achieve, there are three types of high that you can achieve by looking at the trichomes. You shouldn’t harvest when the trichomes are clear because they have not developed enough and the potency will be reduced.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: trichomes

You should harvest your plant when around 40% of the trichomes are amber, this is when trichomes are at their peak potency.

When the trichomes are cloudy, you will have a balanced mix of cerebral and corporal effects, this is when you should harvest your plants if you want to experience all the potency a plant can offer. If you want to experience the complete effect a plant has to offer, you should harvest when around 30-50% of the trichomes are amber. If you harvest when the majority of the trichomes are amber, you will have a more corporal effect because the trichomes have ripened a bit too much.


Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Outdoors: harvesting cannabis

Dense flowers ready for harvest.

There’s no correct time to harvest, as long as you harvest to get the effect you wish you’ll be satisfied with the result.


  • Check if the buds are dense, swollen, and hard to squeeze. Even if you have exceeded the advised harvest date, it is better to wait until your flowers are as dense and resinous as possible. 
  • Using a lupe, examine the state of the trichome. Once most of the trichomes are a cloudy white and a bit amber is the best time to cut and hang.
  • Sativa dominant autoflower hybrids may take longer than Indica dominant, so be prepared to give your plants an extra week or two if they need it.

4. In conclusion

So if you were wondering how to grow skunk outdoors or any other strain of your preference, now you know everything you need. Despite seeming hard, inexperienced growers can successfully grow autoflowering strains easily, as long as you provide light, water, and nutrients you will be able to grow your own weed in less than 10 weeks. If you are interested in our genetics or have grown them outdoors before, leave us a comment below!


1. NOAA’S National Weather Service -

2 & 3 ESRL Global Monitoring Laboratory -


This guide has been updated for the 2021 outdoor cannabis growing season.